American Hero Adventures Floats the Rogue River with MRWA
“This trip was the first of its kind for us. With the help from our partners at Morrisons Rogue River Adventures, we were able to take 12 Heroes and their loved ones down the Wild & Scenic section of the Rogue River. Our Heroes rafted over 40 miles of river in a three-day period. The weather was fantastic and could not have been more cooperative. If they weren’t going through raids, they were floating in the river to cool off. Each day our Heroes were able to get a good look at an abundance of wildlife ranging from black bears to rattlesnakes and bald eagles. At night, like kings, they feasted along the river bank and watched the stars overhead. For some, this was their first time ever being on the water and for others, it was getting back to their passion in life. This trip, without a doubt, was a huge success.”
“We’d like to thank our Partners at Morrisons Rogue River Adventures for making this adventure happen for our heroes and their loved ones. We look forward to executing this adventure again next year!”